Meet the Dutch! Dutch-German Battery Networking Event
Stuttgart, Thursday 13 October 2022
We are delighted to invite you to this Dutch-German matchmaking event focused on Battery Technology, in Stuttgart on October 13, 2022!
For both Germany as the Netherlands, efficient and sustainable battery technologies are essential for the success of the energy transition and the mobility of the future. Battery technologies are the foundation for new value chains in Europe. At this event, experts from the battery industry and research institutions from the Netherlands and Germany meet and discuss topics like the sustainability of batteries, material efficiency and recycling, digitalization of production process and battery life cycle, innovative testing and certification methods, and next-generation battery cells.
This event in Stuttgart is part of the visit of a delegation of Dutch battery experts to Baden-Württemberg and Nordrhein-Westfalen. We bring together key players from the Dutch ecosystem and German academia, government and the private sector. You will have the possibility to exchange knowledge and have interdisciplinary discussions with experts from different fields.
Please register here.
Program 13 October 2022
Location: Impact Hub Stuttgart, Quellenstraße 7a, 70376 Stuttgart
Moderation: Lukas Ammer, Head of Corporate and Investment Services, Baden-Württemberg International
08.45 Registration
09.15 Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome by Albrecht Kruse, Honorary Consul of the Netherlands in Stuttgart
- Introduction to Battery ecosystem of Baden-Württemberg, Heike Passauer, International Cooperation, e-mobil BW
- Introduction to the Dutch delegation, Prof. Moniek Tromp, University Groningen
- Battery Research at DLR, Dennis Kopljar, Head of Battery Technology Group, Division Lithium-Ion Batteries & Applied Electrocatalysis, German Aerospace Center - Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics Electrochemical Energy Technology (DLR)
- Presentation on Dutch Circular Battery Cluster, Gerard Koning, Battery Competence Center NL
10.15 Coffee break
10.30 Company pitches
- Coperion GmbH, Martin Doll, Business Segment Manager Chemical Applications
- Comemso electronics GmbH, Anita Athanasas, Head of Sales/Product Manager
- Kalpana Systems, Diederick Spee, CEO
- Festo SE & Co. KG, Jochen Luik, Industry Segment Manager
- Manz AG, Andreas Schaal, Head of Global Sales
11.30 Lunch & networking session
12:30 End
Organized by the Embassy of the Netherlands, Baden-Württemberg International, e-mobil BW - State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive Baden-Württemberg, and the Enterprise Europe Network
Participation is free of charge, capacity is limited